"Beirut é o nome que Zach Condon, do Novo México, usa desde 2006 para publicar seus trabalhos artísticos. O primeiro álbum oficial de Beirut foi editado graças à colaboração de Jeremy Barnes (Neutral Milk Hotel, A Hawk and a Hacksaw) e Heather Trost (A Hawk and a Hacksaw). Nele, Condon combina elementos e sons do folk e da música do leste europeu.
A banda que geralmente acompanha Condon nas apresentações de Beirut e composta por Perrin Cloutier (celo e acordeão), Jason Poranski (guitarra e bandolin), Nick Petree (bateria), Kristin Ferebee (violino), Paul Collins (órgão/teclados e tambor), Jon Natchez (saxo barítono e bandolim) e Kelly Pratt (trombeta/bombardino)." -LastFM-
* Gulag Orkestar, 2006.
* Lon Gisland (EP), 2006.
* Pompeii (EP), 2007.
* Elephant Gun (EP), 2007.
* The Flying Club Cup, 2007.
Site Oficial: http://www.beirutband.com/
Beirut - Elephant Gun
If I was young, I'd flee this town
I'd bury my dreams underground
As did I, we drink to die, we drink tonight
Far from home, elephant gun
Let's take them down one by one
We'll lay it down, it's not been found, it's not around
Let the seasons begin - it rolls right on
Let the seasons begin - take the big king down
Let the seasons begin - it rolls right on
Let the seasons begin - take the big king down
And it rips through the silence of our camp at night
And it rips through the night
And it rips through the silence of our camp at night
And it rips through the silence, all that is left is all that i hide
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